Predatory Lending Practices: Business Borrowers Hurt By ’Confession of Judgment’ Filings

This seems both legal and pretty scummy. This reminds me of the 2008 crisis because there isn't a good faith belief that these people can pay. I wonder what would change to make lenders act in good faith about the loans they extend. I don't think anyone wins long term if lenders are just causing people to go bankrupt for short-term finances.

You Snooze, You Lose: Insurers Make The Old Adage Literally True

More discussion about CPAP including insurance companies doing some creepy intrusive tracking around usage of them. On one hand, I don't disagree that if you aren't using the machine, than maybe the insurance company should be paying for it. However this doesn't seem like a good way to do this without causing a bunch of negative backlash. Overall, I think people overrate how much negative backlash matters or influences companies.


Slay the Spire - This is still incredible good. I've been playing this for a couple of months now and I'm still hooked on it. I think one thing that really works for it is that the dailies meaningfully change the game enough that it really does feel like different strategies are needed. It also works because it's slow paced and gives you time to be thoughtful about choices which I appreciate.