Weekly Link Round Up
Still getting back on track but here are some interesting links that I've seen. Some of these are a bit dated because they were before the break.
Let There Be Light - What happens when you become a psychiatrist for the Hasidic community?
Less Parking, More City - We are killing the mandatory limits around cars slowly. As we move to the age of increasing urbanization, this will have to happen more and more.
Why Do Chinese People Like Their Government? - True lasting change will only happen with understanding. I think that the view that all governments trend towards individual freedom is on shaky ground. It will be increasingly important to understand why people choose authoritarian regimes and what they get out of it.
Colorado Tried a New Way to Vote: Make People Pay—Quadratically
- New and better voting is possible & the states once again prove to be wonderful labs for democratic experiments.
I been traveling so haven't been watching or playing as much media as before so this section is light. Also I finally got a Switch, which is a lovely device.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - This is a wonderful game but the weapon breakage system is absolutely infuriating. I spend more time changing weapons in a fight then actually fighting.
Dicey Dungeons - Another wonderful game from Terry Cavanagh. It's claimed to be a roguelike but doesn't really appear to be one. Most of the replay seems to come in the episodic challenge content. I'm not sure how replayable it will be once all of those are finished.